Your contribution makes a difference.
Each and every gift makes an impact.
The majority of funding for our school comes from your tax dollars. Federal, state, county and city funding ensure all children receive a basic education by providing the critical items like, the building, utilities, salaries for full-time teachers, staff and administrators, textbooks, most teaching supplies, breakfast and lunch at affordable costs, and other basic needs for strong schools.
Notice anything missing? State and district funding is unable to cover enrichments like art, additional science or music. It doesn’t cover instructional aides, field trips, academic software, parent education seminars, book fairs or even 5th grade culmination!
Fortunately, Franklin has the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA - that’s you when you join!) and the Santa Monica Ed Foundation to help provide the education and learning environment we want for our children.
PTA Membership alone doesn’t cover the cost of all the needs Franklin requires to be the best Elementary school. Contributing to the Annual Fund provides important materials that are essential to student success. The PTA wants to continue and expand the many sponsored programs: the Science Club and Science Fair, the Multicultural Fair, Holiday and Spring Book Fair, School Picnics, Movie Nights, Field Trips, Parent Education programs and parent events and the Move-A-Thon. In addition, our PTA provides essential items like academic software, technology upgrades, school maintenance and teacher grants for supplies and materials.
Both the PTA Annual Fund and the Ed Foundation are critical funding sources for our school. It’s important to know that they fund different things. The PTA cannot fund staff and programs. The PTA pays for experiences like field trips, assemblies and clubs.