PTA Executive Board is looking for you!

PTA Executive Board is looking for you!

If you would like to have a voice and an active role in the Franklin's community, joining the Franklin PTA Executive Board is a great way to make a difference!

The PTA nominating committee invites all interested members of our community to run for one of several executive board positions, from PTA president to VP and secretary of hospitality, literacy, communications, finance, and many more. The full list of executive board positions, and the current officers, is at this link (Franklin PTA website).

Running for a position is simple. If you are interested in a specific role, let us know by emailing by February 10 (include why you'd like the position too). If you would like to know more about a position, our current board members would be happy to give you the details of their roles and time commitments. 

To run, you must be a member of the Franklin PTA in good standing for at least 30 days before the election, which will take place at the general association meeting on March 16. If you're not already a PTA member, this is a great time to join! It's only $10 per year.


A heart felt thank you from the SM Ed Foundation!


Support Local Vendors who are supporting Franklin on Saturday, February 4th!