Critical Conversations Featuring Mary Helen Immordino-Yang Presented by New Roads School and Franklin Elementary School on March 9th at 5pm via Zoom.

Critical Conversations: Humanizing Learning: We Only Think Deeply About Things We Care About” Presented by New Roads School and Franklin Elementary on March 9th at 5pm via Zoom. Register Now

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang (Ed.D., Harvard University), Fahmy and Donna Attallah Professor of Humanistic Psychology, is a professor of education, psychology, and neuroscience at the University of Southern California and founding director of the USC Center for Affective Neuroscience, Development, Learning and Education. Her work pairs in-depth qualitative interviews with longitudinal brain imaging and psychophysiological recording to reveal coordinated mental, neural, and bodily processes by which adolescents and their teachers build meaning—deliberating on the abstract, systems-level, and ethical implications of complex information, social situations, and identities. Her research underscores the active role youth play in their own brain and psychosocial development through the narratives they construct, and capacities teachers cultivate to support student belonging and deep learning.

She conducts her work in partnership with expert educators and diverse youth from the low- SES communities where she works. She writes and speaks extensively on the implications for redesigning schools around curiosity and civic reasoning to promote intellectual vibrance and thriving. She has received numerous awards for her research and impact on society and serves with distinction on various nationally and globally renowned institutes and organizations.

Presented by New Roads School and Franklin Elementary School


SMMUSD BLACK AFRICAN/AMERICAN PARENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Invites You To A Special Parent Ed Event Monday March 6th 7pm via Zoom


Upcoming PTA Restaurant Fundraiser: CPK Thursday, March 16Th All Day!