Franklin Covid Protocol

  • Masks are highly recommended but not required on campus

  • Testing: It is highly recommended to test weekly at home prior to the school week. No need to submit negative tests to the school site. Antigen tests are available from the school site if needed. Pick up in Front Office.

  • Symptoms of illness:

    • Go home & isolate

    • Get COVID test (PCR or antigen)

    • Can return to campus if test is negative & symptoms have resolved/improved

    • Fever, vomiting, diarrhea MUST be resolved for at least 24 hours

  • Positive test result:

    • Report to attendance & the health office

    • Can end isolation after Day 5 ONLY if: 

      • A COVID viral test collected on Day 5 or later is negative. Additional test kits are available from the school site if needed.

      • No fever for at least 24 hours (without fever-reducing medication)

      • Other symptoms are improving

      • Strongly recommended to wear a mask around others for 10 days.

Close Contact/Exposure required to: 

  • Self-monitor for symptoms

  • Wear a mask around others indoors for 10 days

  • Test with a viral COVID test within 3-5 days from the last date of exposure. (do not submit test to school campus)

  • Exposures on campus will be notified by site Administration


Franklin School Valet Drop Off at Idaho Gate


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