2023-2024 PTA Executive board Announcement

We are already thinking about next school year and are so pleased to welcome our 2022-2023 Incoming PTA Executive Board! We can't wait to see the amazing things they will accomplish next year!

President- Ann Bash

Executive Vice President- Dara Beer

1st Vice President/Literacy & Education- Amy Wruble

2nd Vice President/Hospitality- Nina Segil

3rd Vice President/Health & Safety- Ryan Howley

4th Vice President/Comm Info- Su Jin (Suzy) Feuer

5th Vice President/School Communication- Mimi Sroka


Recording Secretary- Fleur Webb

Financial Secretary- John Jericiau

Historian- Sevara Alimova

Auditor- Jessica Levin


5-minute auditor- Yogita Patel

Thank you also to those who served on the current board and those whose service is continuing!


Franklin Students are POets!


Earth Week Is Coming Up April 17th!