Week of Jan 28 PRINCIPALS’ Update

Dear Bolts:

Hello everyone! We are continuing to navigate the changing landscape as it relates to Covid and protocols. We are thankful for all your support. Please continue to read our emails and those from superintendent Dr. Drati for the most up to date information. We are kindly asking that you please submit proof of vaccination here if you haven't done so.

5th Grade Families: A reminder that Lincoln is hosting a "Show on the Road" on January 31st via Zoom and February 3rd in person. This will give you a close up look at Lincoln Middle School and what to expect as the students transition from elementary to middle school.

Our next Coffee with the Principal is set for February 15th at 8:45 a.m. We encourage all of you to attend and would love to see you! Sign up here.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Your loving principal duo,

Mrs. McGregory & Mrs. Hynding


Flower Grams sponsored by Shann Silver/Pence Hathorn Silver – Sales Begin Fri, Feb 4th


Ed Foundation’s $25,000 Match Ends January 31 - Donate NOW!