Message From Our Incoming PTA President: Ann Bash

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to introduce myself, Ann Bash, I am soon to be a 2nd grade mom and incoming PTA President. Over the last 2 years, I have served the school as Fundraising Chair (yes I jumped right in as a kinder parent) and have had a great time being involved at the school. I have met so many wonderful parents and found my time in giving back at the school quite rewarding. For me, having a strong sense of community is one of the most important things here at Franklin and I believe that is what makes our school so special. And now, with being back on campus in full stride, it is only going to get better!

We have a few positions open on the PTA Executive Board and chair positions this next school year, and I think it would be a great opportunity for those of you interested to get involved.  We have monthly meetings and have over 400 members so now it time to make a difference!  What better way to learn about what is going on and to get a beat on the school’s activities than by joining the Executive Board to make an impact.

Here is the list of the open position and a quick snapshot of the time commitment/responsibilities:

Executive Board Positions

  • Legislative Chair – 2 hrs a month, attend Exec Board and General PTA mtgs

  • Santa Monica Ed Foundation Representative – 2 hrs a month

Committee Leads/Roles

  • Graphics Lead – 2-5 hrs a month

  • Room Parent Co-Lead (1st or 2nd grade parent preferred) – 2 hrs a month

For any questions, please reach out


Franklin is Getting a TK Class for 2022-2023!


33rd District PTA Mental Health Webinar - Weds. May 18 @ 7:00 p.m.