A note from Move-A-Thon sponsor Shann Silver/Pence Hathorn Silver

We are pleased to share the Move-A-Thon prizing has come to an end.  All of our amazing kiddos have received their t-shirts, water bottles and well earned prizes!  They have enjoyed their class pizza parties and popsicle parties and the school has successfully earned well over $95,000 and over 77% of the kids participated in the fundraising efforts that went/will go towards this year’s culmination, technology and educational software, PE equipment, campus improvements, classroom supplies and field trips.  We would like to give a big thanks again to all of our many volunteers and, and a shout out to  Tamara Leigh, a Franklin mom, who spent the day photographing our event.  Lastly, we would like to once again thank Shann Silver/Pence Hathorn Silver for their generous support to make this event incredible.  Wow Franklin --- we should be very proud as a community. 

"Congrats to all the kids who helped make the Move-A-Thon such a success! Pence Hathorn Silver is pleased to be a continued sponsor of Franklin." Shann Silver


33rd District PTA Mental Health Webinar - Weds. May 18 @ 7:00 p.m.


Beautification Day Beautified!