Parent Education Lecture on POWER STRUGGLES, tues jan 25th at 7pm

How to avoid fighting with your child and increase the peace through connection & collaboration.

Do you find yourself arguing, lecturing, bartering, and bribing to get them to do the things they need to do?

Would you love to experience more peaceful collaboration at home with your kids when it comes to helping them learn decision making and responsibility?

Join us for an evening with Parent Educator, Barbara Olinger, and learn ways to increase cooperation & connection with your children and avoid those messy power struggles.

Barbara Olinger has her Masters in Social Work and has worked with children and families in both educational and therapeutic settings for almost 40 years. In her current private practice, Barbara focuses on parent education and support for parents of children ages 2-14 years old and teacher training. She is currently working with a charter school supporting teachers and parents with issues based in the ongoing pandemic. She also offers a specific training series for adults on Productive Communication. Barbara has two sons, 33 and 29 years old.

To join this informative parenting session please sign up HERE!


Attend Science Club - Minerals through a microscope on wed, Jan 26th at 6pm


PTA Members Wanted to Serve on the Nominating Committee