Principal’s Update: September 9th

Dear Franklin Community, 

I am so privileged to step into the role as Franklin Elementary School Principal. Although it has only been a few days "officially", I am thoroughly impressed with student excitement for learning throughout the campus. This is a testament to our wonderful parents who instill the positive value of learning and education. We were fortunate to have a schoolwide assembly on my first morning, promoting Franklin's Values and introducing our new mantra "YOU MATTER". We want all students, staff, parents and community members to feel valued, cared for, and heard when they enter the Franklin campus. 

I have to give a huge shout out to our Outstanding Franklin PTA! People, not programs, are what make an impact in an organization. Our parents work hard behind the scenes to make many things happen in an expedited manner, because of course, they want the best for our kids, staff and school community. We had to postpone this weeks events to next week due to inclement weather. Please join us next Friday, the 16th,  from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm for Franklin's family picnic dance/dj party. This is going to be a great event. Bring your own picnic, or purchase a family dinner provided by a deliciously hired Pizza Truck and Kona Ice Truck. We also postponed Franklin's Campus Beautification Day to Saturday the 17th, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please volunteer to help keep Franklin in pristine condition. 

On September 13th, I will be hosting our first Coffee with the Principal in the cafetorium at 8:45 am. I am looking forward to meeting parents in a casual setting to talk about Franklin, answer questions, take in suggestions, and discuss how I am not a coffee drinker. 

Our students thrive at Franklin, as there is always learning and enrichment opportunities provided throughout the school day, thanks to our wonderful teachers and amazing support staff. Just as important, is instilling self-value and esteem in all of our students. We want Franklin graduates to leave with motivation, determination, self-confidence, and a desire to achieve for greatness, whatever that may be for our individual students. We want to work in partnership with parents to make this happen. At home, please tell your children how they positively impact your family. Remind them what makes them unique and special. Try and not only tell them you love them, but tell them WHY you love them. 

We have been fortunate to have the support of Officer Angel who has been on and around our campus a few times. He is very personable and has even made it into classrooms to high-five students and let them know there is a presence on campus for safety. We appreciate his genuine care for the Franklin community.

I look forward to meeting many parents throughout the year. Please remember, we are here to support you and work along your side. Have a wonderful week, and remember, YOU MATTER!

Proud Principal, 

Eran Zeevi 


5th Grade Culmination Volunteers Needed Now!


Back to School Picnic Friday, September 16th at 5:00 pm