Principal’s Valet Update: Rules of the Road

Dear Franklin Community, 

We need everyone’s help with the morning valet at drop off. We know that our parents and staff care deeply about the safety of our students. Our valet area can be a bit chaotic and we need everyone to do their part. The valet begins at 8:15am every morning when the school gates open. The first bell rings at 8:27am and the final bell rings at 8:30am. We ask the following from parents during drop off:

  • Do not park in front of the Idaho gates during drop off. This will allow for the valet line to work for everyone.

  • Please pull your vehicle forward to the front of the valet line. There are parent volunteers present to wave you through.

  • Have your child ready to get out of the car with all of their belongings (keep their items on the passenger side of the car for safety and ease).

  • Drivers should remain in their vehicles at all times. Valet will assist your children.

Additionally, we have a great deal of pedestrians in the morning at drop off so keep in mind the following: no illegal U-Turns, no 3-point turns into the alley on Idaho and no parking in the alley. We also ask all of the folks walking to please use the crosswalks so there is no jaywalking to avoid safety issues. While this all seems quite logical, when we are rushing to drop our children off to school on time, we may forget... So I thank you in advance for your cooperation.


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