Superintendent Search - spring 2023

Superintendent Search – Spring 2023 - SMMUSD

The SMMUSD Board of Education is in the process of conducting an Executive Search for the District’s next Superintendent. Leadership Associates, an executive search firm, was selected to advise the school board in this important process.

Updates will be provided on this webpage throughout this process:

Community Input Survey

The SMMUSD school board is asking for your help in selecting our next superintendent. To ensure this is a collaborative and inclusive process, the board is providing an anonymous online survey and encourages your participation. This is an opportunity to receive input from students, staff, parents, and community. Please follow the link below to provide your input.

This survey will be open from: March 6, 2023 to March 18, 2023, at 4 p.m.

English / Español

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does the search process work?

The school board is working with Leadership Associates to conduct a rigorous, nationwide search. The board will seek, receive, consider and review all input from the community, review all candidate applications, interview those candidates determined by the board and select the new Superintendent. 

2. When will the new Superintendent be hired?

The board approved and published a timeline reflecting these details. The timeline is linked below. These dates are subject to change as the search process continues.

3. How and when do parents and other stakeholders weigh-in?

The board will be soliciting input on the characteristics, experience, and skills desired in the next Superintendent via an online survey and stakeholder conference sessions.

4. When will the District share the collected input with the public?

All information gathered will be presented to the board and then compiled, summarized, and incorporated into the Superintendent Position Profile / Description, which will be published here following Board review. 

5. Who will make the final selection?

By law, the Board is solely responsible for hiring the new Superintendent. The Board will seek, receive, and consider all input from the community, review all applications, interview those candidates determined by the Board, and select the new Superintendent.

6. How can the public follow this process?

Updates regarding the Superintendent search process will be posted here. The board will also provide updates at its regularly scheduled board meetings and future press releases.

7. Can we find out who is applying?

All application materials, including the names of applicants and any other personally identifiable information, are confidential under law. 

Official Timeline Supt Search SMMUSD 02/23/23


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