Thank You from the Santa Monica Ed Foundation!!!

Thank you, Franklin families, for participating in the Ed Foundation’s family fundraising campaign! Thank you to the volunteers for spearheading this effort, and to the 298 families for making a donation. Your support helps to ensure that enrichment programs such as P.S. ARTS will continue.

 The grade with the highest participation was…. 3rd grade with 70% participation! The other grades were close behind! As a reward, all 3rd graders will receive a treat from Cookie Good on March 3rd donated by the PTA. There were also two Franklin Logo Wear winners who will receive a Franklin t-shirt, Elliott Cardona in Ms. Madsen’s class and Julia Haberli in Ms. Micale’s class. And the two Sender City/Sender One winners are: Olivia Pangilinan in Mr. Clark’s class and Bella Ro from Ms. Flynn’s class. All winners will receive their prizes later this month.

 Thanks again, Franklin, for your donations to the Santa Monica Education Foundation! You help our students SOAR!


Franklin School Culture and Climate Survey - the survey closes on February 28th


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