A Message From Mrs. Hynding on Franklin’s Dia De Los Muertos Celebration

Dear Bolts,

I will never forget when a third grader from Ms. Fiske's class whispered to me last year that 'she was Mexican.' I asked why she whispered and she responded that nobody knows. At that moment, I truly recognized that we should strive to be culturally responsive far beyond the recognized monthly recognitions (Black History Month, Women's History Month, Native American History Month, etc.).

Dia de Los Muertos is a celebration of those who have passed on from 10/31-11/2.  Altars (Ofrendas) are created with memories of pictures, favorite foods, and beautiful memories of those who are no longer with us.  It is a beautiful tribute.  

Thanks to the incredulous efforts of Monica Aldana (Health Office), superstar second-grade parent Karen Freedman, Mrs. Hakomori, and Paraeducators Cindy and Alex,  Franklin continues to grow in their efforts to recognize this time with a lovely altar on the Cafetorium stage. I could view the beautiful ofrenda in Ms. Hakomori's room and see so many door decorations.  

*Please take the opportunity this week to take your students on a 'field trip' to view the ofrenda on the Cafetorium stage.

I hope that Franklin continues to grow in culturally responsive education.  Please enjoy the photos below.

Have a wonderful day!



Holiday Food Drive: Donate Items to the Front Office from November 4th thru November 18th


Franklin PTA’s Annual Fund