Pledge Week Winners Announced…

Our incredible Franklin community made a huge leap forward during Pledge Week!

Last week, between October 23rd and 27th, 657 donors collectively donated $227,050 to the Ed Foundation. Franklin went from 27% participation to 43% participation, #1 in the district! Way to go Franklin! An amazing job that wouldn’t have been possible without the collected efforts of the school administration, PTA leadership, Ed Foundation committee, teachers, staff and you!

For our grade level participation contest, the results are in…..

2nd Grade has captured top spot with a fantastic showing of 55%!! As a thank you for the 2nd grade efforts, each second grader will receive a coupon for a free ice cream at Handel’s, good for this upcoming Monday, November 6th.

In addition to all 2nd graders receiving a free ice cream cone at Handel's, it's also a Give Back Day for the Ed Foundation: Handel's has graciously offered to donate 20% of sales to the Ed Foundation on Monday, Nov 6th. Whether or not you're in 2nd grade and receive a free coupon, all Franklin families can stop by for a treat that benefits their school and have fun with their incredible Franklin community. Thank you to all Franklin families & Handel's for supporting our children's education.


Library Update: From Dia de los Muertos to Dumbledore


California School Parent Survey - Nov 1 thru 30th