A Mid Year Report, Wow, Have We Been Busy!!! A Letter From Your PTA President

Dear Franklin Friends and Families –

I wanted to take a minute to reflect on the first half of the year as we move into the final few, fast paced months of school.  Our Franklin community has really outdone themselves and I thank you all!

As I began this year as your PTA President, I focused on our Franklin Community, this is something truly unique to our school. In the Fall, I watched us all come together at our Back-to-School Picnic and Campus Beatification.We brought back Parent Eds, Garedning Club and the Art Cart on a regular basis. Students competed in the annual Reflections art contest, we reintroduced Library Crafts, Book Cafe and had our beloved Holiday Book Fair. The Science Club started meeting monthly, bringing in guest speakers from JPL and NASA and this week we had a STEAM hands on learning exhibit.

We competed in the city wide Bike It, Walk It, Bus It to School event. Hundreds of our families participated in a moving caravan from Douglas Park to Franklin and we won the coveted GOLDEN SNEAKER! This led to our campus wide annual fundraiser, the Franklin Move-a-thon, our most successful fundraiser yet, with over 96% school wide participation.The success of the Move-a-thon allows our PTA to generously provide our school with continued, robust programming and enrichment which will blow you away.

This Winter, the PTA held our first Franklin Book Swap and we just introduced the Franklin Book Club.  We sponsored a BMX Anti Bullying Assembly, which I am sure your kiddos raved about! Now hold on to your seats, Spring is going to be busy…  

  • Field Trips are back – Leonis Adobe Museum, the Getty Museum, Morgan Wixon Theater, the CA Science Center and the San Juan Capistrano Mission to name a few

  • 5th graders leave at the end of the month for a 3-day overnight camp to Catalina Island

  • Math Olympiad has been introduced to Franklin and our students will compete at the end of April

  • Math Intervention will be offered for students who are in need of additional support

  • Science Fair will be held Thursday, March 30th

  • School Beautification will take place on Saturday, April 22nd

  • Multicultural Fair will be bigger than ever on Thursday, April 27th 

  • Movie Night is our last community event of the year on Friday, May 19th

  • 5th Grade Culmination is June 7th, 5th Grade Party is on June 9th

How is that for some activities?!?!  Our parent volunteers on the PTA work to make this happen with our school administrators.You too can join in this fun by doing the following:

We have something for everyone.  Have a great second half of the year and enjoy your holiday weekend.

Ann Bash             

PTA President

Franklin Elementary School


Love at First Sip — SM Ed Foundation Pre Wine Auction Event on March 9th


2023-2024 PTA Executive Board Nominations Announced