2023-2024 PTA Executive Board Nominations Announced

The nominating committee met for over a month and is pleased to announce the proposed slate of officers:

President: Ann Bash

Executive VP: Dara Beer

1st VP: Amy Wruble, 1st VP Deputy: Amanda Martin-Pereira

2nd VP: Nina Segil, 2nd VP Deputy: Karen Freedman

3rd VP: Ryan Howley, 3rd VP Deputy: Kelley Harman

4th VP: Lisa Demsky, 4th VP Deputy: to be later appointed

5th VP: Mimi Sroka, 5th VP Deputy: to be later appointed

Treasurer: Vacant

Financial Secretary: John Jericiau

Corresponding Secretary: Katie Rosenfeld

Recording Secretary: Fleur Webb

Historian: Sevara Alimova

Auditor: Jessica Levin

Fundraising Committee Chair: Nicole Villanova-Price

Parliamentarian: Vacant

Special Education Committee Chair: Betsy Marsolan

Legislation Committee Chair: Anastasia Foster

SM Education Foundation Liason: Stephanie Sea

Room Parent Coordinators: Graziela Shepnick & Jimena Vazquez

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair: Lee Garrun

Review all positions and duties here.

If you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact nomcomm@franklinschoolpta.org or simply join the next PTA meeting on Thursday, March 16th at 7:00 pm to nominate yourself for a role. We look forward to voting the slate in at the next meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you!


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