Mile Club Is Back and looking for Parent Volunteers, Attend an Information Session via Zoom on September 27th at 9:30 am

What is Mile Club?

This fun event is a favorite among the kiddos at Franklin where students earn one charm for running or walking 6 laps/ 1 mile.

When does it take place?

Every Wednesday from October through June during the 1st thru 5th graders’ lunch recess

What is required of the parent volunteer?

Volunteers will need to arrive at 11:45 on Wednesdays to set up for the 1st graders' lunch. The commitment will last until 1:15 when the fifth graders' lunch recess ends. 

Volunteers will be responsible for setting up a large stand-up sign in the MPR and also to set out cones at the point of location for sticks and charms. 

Does this volunteer opportunity interest you?

Please join us for a short 20-30 minute info and Q & A session on Tuesday morning, September 27th, from 9:30-10 am to learn about Franklin Elementary School Mile Club from a former volunteer and organizer. Although not required for new volunteers to Mile Club, it is highly recommended and should be helpful when you are out on the field. The meeting will be kept short! Email to obtain the Zoom link.


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