Principal’s Safety Update: It’s a Hot Topic

Dear Franklin Community, 

As you may have seen, and experienced, our new buzzer/intercom system with video monitoring at the front door of the school has been installed and is fully operational. Thank you for your patience as you await entry to school - and using the raptor system once inside! Please be mindful with events or gatherings to arrive early, as parents need to individually check in to get a visitor’s badge.

Our back gate/parking lot gate now has a security key pad lock to ensure security throughout the day, including before and after school programs. Crest, Boys and Girls Club, and CDS have given their parents the code for access that will only be working between 6:45 am and 6:15 pm Monday through Friday. 

Our faculty safety committee reviewed the notes from the parent safety committee meeting and the concerns that were raised. As a result, the two groups will be creating a school-wide survey as a way faculty and families to understand the full communities concerns and priorities, while gauging the level of feeling towards safety currently in place at school. Keep an eye out for this in the coming weeks, your feedback is essential.

Lastly, the fence around the kinder yard is going to get some cover! To make visibility harder the school will post a screen with Franklin’s values printed on it - this will let the community know what we stand for while not letting them see our students. There are rules from the fire marshal and from safety organizations about how opaque the screen can be and we will be following those guidelines.

I will continue to keep you posted on updates as they happen and as always, if you are interested in joining the parent safety committee, sign up here.


Coffee with the Principal on Tuesday, October 18th at 8:45 am


Mile Club Is Back and looking for Parent Volunteers, Attend an Information Session via Zoom on September 27th at 9:30 am