Science Fair, Wed, May 21st, 5-7pm

It is time again for our annual Franklin Science Fair! 

This is an incredible opportunity to learn something new with your children and spark their interest in science. Tri-fold cardboard displays for projects will be available at the front desk soon.

All details can be found here.

Step 1 – Come up with a project idea - Projects can be a research topic or an experiment.
Step 2 – Research the topic, run the experiment and draw your conclusions.
Step 3 – Create a poster board showcasing your project.
Step 4 – Drop off your board outside the Cafetorium on Thursday, May 15, between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.
Step 5 – Come to the Science Fair on Wednesday, May 21, between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m., to see all of the posters!

We need volunteers to help review all submissions and asking for 5th grade parents to review the mandatory 5th grade submissions.


PTA Meeting Thursday March 20 at 8:45 a.m. In Cafetorium (and zoom)


Special Budget Meeting for Santa Monica, Sat, March 8th at 9am