Student Portrait Plates Now on Sale!
TK - 5th grade students are working on their self portraits and they will be transformed into a commemorative plate! Order your portrait plates here before March 21.
5th Grade Culmination Donation and Memory Book Photos Needed
Calling all 5th grade families! Culmination is coming and we need your help collecting photos for the memory book, and extra support for all of the Culmination events. Donate here.
Science Club: Samo Tech Robotics, Thurs, Feb 27th @ 6pm, Cafetorium
Check out SaMoTech, one of the world's top-ranked robotics teams competing in the FIRST Tech Challenge. Try your hand at driving one of the robots!
Science Club: An Interactive Hands-On Experience with Lumee, Tues, Feb 18 @ 6pm, Cafetorium
Work alongside fellow students for an interactive hands-on experience creating figurines using glaze and nozzles! Open to TK-5th grade, sign up here.
Spring Crest Enrichment Signups on Feb 19, 6am
Check out the new Spring session of Crest classes - yoga, robotics, and more! Create your login and select classes to prepare!
Summer Adventure Online Registration Opens Monday, March 3!
Summer Adventure registration is right around the corner! Learn more about the program here.
Cast Your Vote for “Santa Monica’s Most Loved” Contest 2025
Please take a moment to help the Ed Foundation become Santa Monica’s Most Loved Non-Profit in 2025. Vote here before March 14th!
Help Create Franklin’s Ed Foundation Wine Basket
Let’s showcase our school spirit and help create Franklin’s auction basket for the upcoming Ed Foundation’s online silent auction.
PTA Meeting, Thurs, Feb. 20 at 8:45 a.m. in the Cafetorium
Join the PTA meeting to hear all that is planned in the next few months! With so much going on, you won’t want to miss it! Agenda found here.
17th Annual Sustainable Santa Monica Student Poster Contest
Calling all artists! This year’s theme: Cultivating Sustainable Food through Community Gardens and Urban Farming. Submissions due April 4 at 4pm at the Sustainable Works office.
It's Time for Honorary PTA Service Award Nominations!
Each year the PTA honors members who have demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to the life of our school. Nominate here by April 4th! The ceremony will be on May 22.
Chess Club Meeting Fri, Feb 21st at 7:45am in the Library
Chess Club is the perfect place for students who love to play Chess or are hoping to learn more about the game - see you in the library! Next morning session is February 21st.
Franklin’s PTA Represented at CA PTA’s Legislative Conference
Jayanthi Daniel, legislative chair for Franklin’s PTA, attended the two day conference of advocacy with state representatives. Lots of topics affecting our students were discussed.
Free 3-Week Support Group from UCLA
This free 3-week support group will be held on Mondays from 12pm-1pm, starting February 10th. Please fill out this survey if you are interested.
Stronger Together: A Response To Fear, Anxiety, And Trauma In Our Community, Feb 12th, 5:30PM at JAMS
This special event put on by our SMMUSD community, will provide families with resources and expert guidance from our speakers and agency representatives.
Get Ready for the Multicultural Fair! Seeking Host Families and Performance Groups
One of our most anticipated events is coming up! We’re looking for host families and performance groups to participate. If you're interested check out the info sheet and sign up.
Coffee with the Principal, Thurs, Feb 13th at 8:45 am
Calling all new (and old!) Franklin families! Join Mr. Zeevi, Ms. Pickett and School Psychologist, Meredith Abrams, as we welcome our new families and discuss the latest at Franklin.
Science Olympiad Tryouts Mon, Feb 3 at 7:40am
Science Olympiad is coming to Franklin! Open to 4th and 5th graders, if you make the team practices will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 7:40am
Winter Book Café - Feb 14th at 7:45 am
Sign up to start your Valentine’s Day morning off with reading, coffee and breakfast treats!
Franklin Giveback: Viola Floral Donates 20% Back to Franklin!
This deal is a win-win: Order a beautiful Valentine’s Day bouquet of flowers from Franklin mom-owned business, and the PTA gets 20% of proceeds! Order here!